Ever Green Group


Smart Heating Controls

Smart heating controls enable you to manage your home's heating system from your mobile phone or tablet via an app. An active internet connection is required for these features to function.

These controls provide enhanced flexibility over your home heating, allowing you to adjust settings while on the go. This ensures you can always come back to a warm home, even if you've been out.

There are numerous benefits to using smart heating controls. They can help you save on energy bills by optimizing your heating schedule and reducing waste. Some advanced systems even learn your routine and adjust the heating automatically for maximum efficiency.

A variety of smart heating control products are available, each offering different features. Basic models allow you to set schedules and control your heating remotely. More advanced models offer features like geofencing, which uses your phone's location to adjust the heating, and integration with other smart home devices such as Amazon Alexa or Google Home.

Under the ECO4 scheme, several smart heating control products can be installed, ranging from basic smart controls to advanced Time and Temperature zone controls. These advanced controls allow for a minimum of two heating zones in your home. Instead of heating the entire house, you can turn off the heating in zones you're not using. Typically, zones are divided into upstairs and downstairs, but it's also possible to create multiple zones by adding additional smart TRVs (Thermostatic Radiator Valves).

Moreover, smart heating controls often come with energy monitoring features. These allow you to track your energy usage in real-time, helping you to identify patterns and make informed decisions about your heating habits.